Prowler is a command line tool that helps you with AWS security assessment, auditing, hardening, and incident response.
It follows guidelines of the CIS Amazon Web Services Foundations Benchmark (49 checks) and has more than 190 additional checks related to GDPR, HIPAA, PCI-DSS, ISO-27001, FFIEC, SOC2, and others.
Prowler can be installed on any Linux, Mac OS, or Windows with Cygwin or virtualization. Basic requirements include
For Ubuntu Linux
Install pip
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip jq git zip
Installation of detect-secrets
pip install detect-secrets==1.0.3
Install AWS CLI V2 and refer to the official documentation for other methods
curl "" -o ""
sudo ./aws/install
Now clone the prowler tool from GitHub
git clone
Before running the Prowler tool configure an AWS account on the terminal on which you want to run Prowler. For configuration refer to the documentation
The above credentials that are configured must have proper permissions associated with a user or role to do all checks. Only adding the AWS-managed policies, SecurityAudit and ViewOnlyAccess, to the user or role being used will also work.
Once the Prowler tool is cloned, change to the prowler directory and run the tool.