
Kloudle is a BlackHat USA 2021 Sponsor

Akash Mahajan
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Kloudle is a sponsor this year at BlackHat US. The most world-renowned experts converge at Las Vegas during August every year to meet, network, share their knowledge. It is fair to say we are thrilled about this development.

In the past, Riyaz and I have been speakers and trainers at BlackHat. Interestingly, Riyaz spoke about XSPA (Cross Site Port Attacks) at a BlackHat first. A variation of that attack SSRF is causing headaches for CISOs and security teams all over.

As per Gartner, 99% of cloud misconfigurations happen because of customer mistakes.

Customers don’t make these mistakes on purpose. There is a considerable gap in our understanding of the shared responsibility model that all cloud providers speak about how we experience it.

When we came in trainers at BlackHat, we trained attackers and defenders on using cloud services for securing their cloud accounts. In hindsight, our journey as BlackHat trainers was, in a way, an early indicator of what we have built at Kloudle. Once we realized that the problem wouldn’t go away just by training a few 100 of our peers every year, we tackled the problem with a product mindset. We are demonstrating our cloud security product at BlackHat!

We are super excited to share our opinion of how companies should be doing cloud security operations. We are speaking on the topic of Multi-Cloud Security with Visibility and Automated Response.

Meet us at our booth -


You will need a BlackHat US 2021 conference pass. If you don’t have one, you can get a free business pass here. https://blackhatonsite.informatech.com/2021/

Business Hall Hours on both days (PDT)

We are here to solve your multi-cloud security needs

With the world changing overnight, businesses are building on public cloud services to stay competitive and resilient. We can help you stay safe and secure on this path of transformation. Speak to us to understand how we can equip you with the visibility and automation to manage the ever increasing complexity of the new normal.

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